The Go-To Firm for Patent Savvy Companies™

No asset is more valuable than your intellectual property. That’s why our sole pursuit is protecting your most prized possession: your genius. Nothing more. Never anything less.

Award Winning Recognition

Firm News

Case Studies

Carlson Caspers Negotiates Multiple Global Licensing Agreements for DuPont Pioneer and CRISPR-Cas9 Technology Section
Purdue v. Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.
Exmark, Mfg. (a Subsidiary of the Toro Company) v. Briggs & Stratton Corp.
$75 Million Win for Wireless OFDM Portfolio

Contact Carlson Caspers

The Go-to Firm for Patent Savvy Companies™

No asset is more valuable than your intellectual property. That’s why our sole pursuit is protecting your most prized possession: your genius. We bring industry knowledge and a real-world business perspective to your IP challenges. Our attorneys include scientists, engineers, and pharmacists with decades of concrete knowledge and subject matter expertise and they’re ready to protect your genius.

Contact us by filling out the form today!