PTAB Denies Inter Partes Review in View of Petitioner’s Inconsistent Claim Construction Positions

The PTAB recently denied a petitioner’s request for inter partes review of a competitor’s surgical device patent, stating that the petitioner failed to provide a claim construction necessary to meet its burden to show a reasonable likelihood that at least one claim is unpatentable.  OrthoPediatrics Corp. v. K2M, Inc., IPR2018-01548, Paper 9 (P.T.A.B. March 1,…

Proposed Amendment to Hatch-Waxman Act May Prohibit Use of Post-Grant Procedures

U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch, co-author of the Hatch-Waxman Act, recently proposed an amendment to the Act that would prevent generic drug companies from using any AIA post-grant procedure (IPR or PGR) on an Orange Book patent identified in their PIV certifications.  The proposed amendment would require that the patent certification required under 21 USC §…

PTAB Narrowly Interprets Prior Art Disclosure Concerning Dosing to Shoot Down Anticipation Challenge

A recent PTAB order found that instituted claims were not unpatentable as anticipated under § 102(b) despite the prior art patent’s disclosure of the administration of the API and a range that subsumed the claimed range of doses.  Koios Pharmaceuticals LLC v. Medac Gesellschaft Für Klinische Spezialpräparate mbH et al., IPR2016-01370, Paper 54, (PTAB Feb.…

State University’s Filing of Patent Infringement Action Waives Sovereign Immunity to IPR Proceedings

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”) recently held that sovereign immunity under the Eleventh Amendment is waived in the context of inter partes review (“IPR”) by a state’s filing of a patent litigation in federal court.  Ericsson Inc. v. Regents of the University of Minnesota, IPR2017-01186, Paper No. 14. The PTAB first addressed whether…

Federal Circuit Dislikes “Common Sense”

The Federal Circuit recently reversed a PTAB decision in which the Board relied on common sense to invalidate a patent on obviousness grounds.  Arendi S.A.R.L. v. Apple Inc., No. 2015-2073 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 10, 2016). Background.  Apple, Google, and Motorola filed an IPR petition challenging Arendi’s U.S. Patent No. 7,917,843 (“the ’843 patent”).  The ’843…

PTAB Analyzes Section 112 Support in Declining to Institute IPR on Galderma’s Rosacea Patent

The PTAB recently rejected Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories’ IPR petitions for Galderma’s patent covering its Oracea® (doxycycline) product for the treatment of rosacea.  Galderma’s patent, U.S. Patent No. 8,603,506 (“’506 patent”) is directed to the treatment of rosacea using low dosages of the tetracycline antibiotic doxycycline. Dr. Reddy’s filed three petitions for IPR against the ’506…