PTAB Narrowly Interprets Prior Art Disclosure Concerning Dosing to Shoot Down Anticipation Challenge

A recent PTAB order found that instituted claims were not unpatentable as anticipated under § 102(b) despite the prior art patent’s disclosure of the administration of the API and a range that subsumed the claimed range of doses.  Koios Pharmaceuticals LLC v. Medac Gesellschaft Für Klinische Spezialpräparate mbH et al., IPR2016-01370, Paper 54, (PTAB Feb.…

State University’s Filing of Patent Infringement Action Waives Sovereign Immunity to IPR Proceedings

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”) recently held that sovereign immunity under the Eleventh Amendment is waived in the context of inter partes review (“IPR”) by a state’s filing of a patent litigation in federal court.  Ericsson Inc. v. Regents of the University of Minnesota, IPR2017-01186, Paper No. 14. The PTAB first addressed whether…